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Celebration Week: Bron Summers, Volunteering and Op Shops

Bron Summers will this year celebrate ten years at VMCH! Bron started out as a Volunteer Recruitment Coordinator at Villa Maria in Kew. Keen to work in the non-profit sector to help make a difference, Bron now oversees the involvement of our nearly 600 volunteers and op shop operations as Senior Manager of Volunteer Services and Opportunity Shops.

What is the biggest change you’ve seen from when you started at VMCH to now?

Funny, last year I would have said the merger and the growth that has come with that were the biggest changes. Now I have to say, this Pandemic era we are in has thrown up the biggest challenges and the biggest opportunities for change, not only in the organisation but for the volunteering sector as a whole. Adapt, improvise and overcome are my three most used words, and much needed at the moment.

What does it mean to you to work at VMCH?

I feel very privileged to work with an organisation who puts people at the centre of all that we do. To work in a place that truly values the contributions and gifts of our volunteers is amazing and very rewarding for me personally.

What do you love most about your role?

I am inspired every day by our beautiful volunteers who I constantly learn from. I love the caring people I work with in the Mission team and I feel supported in all that I do. I also really love the diversity of my role and that every day is so vastly different.

How do you feel about working at VMCH for 10 years?

It honestly doesn’t feel like it has been 10 years already but I’m grateful and humbled for the experiences I’ve had over that time and look forward to seeing what happens next.

What do you like to do outside of work?

My husband and I have six adult children between us and I’m blessed with a gorgeous granddaughter, Grace, who is nearly four years old and is an absolute joy. I love football and we’re ever hopeful Melbourne supporter.

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